Monday 20 May 2013

Conflict Poetry - some great resources

This video covers the heritage poems in the conflict cluster

And this covers the contemporary poems


This channel on Youtube revises all of the poems in the conflict cluster: take a look!

And this explains how the poems can be compared with each other:

Of course BBC Bitesize is always brilliant for revising: particularly for poetry and the conflict cluster

If you prefer videos then Cherwell Online's YouTube channel is well worth a look.

And you can get all the poems annotated at the appropriately named Get Revising!

And what the examiner is looking for at Malmesbury School's blog

And this is what some students at Wildern School achieved.

Finally, you have your anthology, exercise book, revision guide and your own interpretation skills.

Good luck!


  1. Now i can do poetry with the internets

  2. This is a jolly good revision tool, I will definitely use it in my revision endeavour to analyse poetry with swag.

  3. My Wednesday off appears to be going to involve using all of this. Oh god.
